Space Syntax Laboratory: Industrial Urbanism
24 July 2017, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm
Event Information
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Bartlett School of Architecture
Room 5.04, Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0QB
Industrial Urbanism: Architecture, Place and Production
In this seminar, Professor Howard Davis will discuss his latest work concerning the urban and architectural implications of developing new industrial formations in Western cities. The seminar will include arguments for the return of industry to cities and an exploration into the historical development of urban industry. Professor Howard Davis will also propose certain architectural and planning guidelines to incentivise industrial uses of land in cities experiencing environmental and population pressures.
About Professor Howard Davis
Howard Davis is Professor of Architecture at the University of Oregon and Distinguished Professor of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture in North America. He is author of 'The Culture of Building' and 'Living over the Store: Architecture and Local Urban Life', as well as co-author of 'The Production of Houses'. In 2015 he was a Visiting Professor at UCL working with colleagues in the Space Syntax Laboratory on the historic furniture industry of London.
About the Space Syntax Laboratory Research Seminar Series
The research seminar of the Space Syntax Laboratory is a fortnightly seminar to showcase the latest research conducted at the Lab. This includes seminars from PhD students of the Architectural Space and Computation programme, but also seminars from researchers sharing findings and ideas, showing work in progress and ‘thinking aloud’. The seminars are targeted at an academic audience, but all interested parties are welcome.
Photo by Professor Howard Davis