Constructing Realities Lecture Series Autumn 2017
14 December 2017, 6:30 pm–8:00 pm

New, cross-disciplinary lecture series at Here East
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
The Bartlett School of Architecture
Plexal, Here East Innovation Centre, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, 14 East Bay Lane, London, E15 2GW
With lectures and events about engagement, situations, performance, making, manufacturing and engineering, Constructing Realities is an exciting new series presented by The Bartlett, generously supported by Populous.
Recent shifts in contemporary culture have produced an increasing overlap of practices, methods and approaches from the worlds of architecture, art, design and performance. This lecture series celebrates new forms of practice that explore the fast-evolving terrain, presenting installations, designs and events that provoke, critique and otherwise engage with their contexts and particular publics.
All the events in the series are free and open to all but registration is required - see individual lecture links below.
- 5 October - Prof. Philip Steadman, The lost garden of marvels at Pratolino
A Renaissance theme park: the lost garden of marvels at Pratolino
Phil Steadman, UCL
6:30pm, 5 October
Register to attend- 12 October - Peter Sharpe Kielder: A Planned Wilderness
Kielder: A Planned Wilderness
Peter Sharpe, Kielder Art & Architecture
6.30pm, 12 October
- 19 October - Christopher Bauder
Christopher Bauder, WHITEvoid
6.30pm, 19 October
- 26 October - Victor Burgin Some Types of Specificity
- Some Types of Specificity
Victor Burgin
6:30pm, 26 October
- 2 November - Johannes Birringer
Kinetic Atmospheres: Performance and Immersion
Johannes Birringer, Brunel University
6.30pm, 2 November
- 9 November - Lucy Railton
Lucy Railton, Kammer Klang
6.30pm, 9 November
- 16 November - Phil Ayres
- Flora Robotica: Challenging customary expectations of architecture
Phil Ayres, CITA
6.30pm, 16 November
- 23 November - Barbara Holub
Direct Urbanism
Barbara Holub, Transparadiso
6.30pm, 23 November
- 30 November - Molly Wright Steenson
- Architectural Intelligence
Molly Wright Steenson, Carnegie Mellon
6.30pm, 30 November
- 7 December - Prof. Dorita Hannah
Performing the Abjectile
Prof. Dorita Hannah, Aalto University
6.30pm, 7 December
- 14 December - Cristian Vogel
Music Space Technologies: Extracting Music Objects from Variable Parameter Space
Cristian Vogel, NeverEngine Labs
6.30pm, 14 December
Room 6.02, The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street
Constructing Realities is generously supported by Populous, a leading practice who have designed more than 2000 projects across emerging and established markets
including the London Olympics.

Image: Weaving Machine by WHITEvoid, National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing.