
The Tigrinya Alphabet

There are 32 letters in the Tigrinya alphabet and seven vowels for each letter


1. Tigrinya letters with one leg 

Letters which are pronounced the same in EnglishLetters which are pronounced the same in other European LanguagesOther letters
ate click to hear soundtas in Terrygnclick to hear soundny or gn or ñ as in Italian gnomo,
Sardegna or
as montaña in spanish
qeclick to hear soundq
ch click to hear sound ch as in church  'qeclick to hear soundq`

peclick to hear soundpas in pen
geclick to hear soundgas in get
neclick to hear soundnas in net
yeclick to hear soundyas in yes

2.Tigrinya letters with two legs 

Letters which are pronounced the same in English Letters which are pronounced the same in other European Languages Other letters
zeclick to hear soundzas in zebra, zest'jeclick to hear sound zj as in French j
veclick to hear soundvas in veryKheclick to hear soundkhas the ch in Scottish loch or German mich
be click to hear sound as in  bed

click to hear sound s as in sector
click to hear sound sh as in shepherd

click to hear sound k as in Kent

leclick to hear soundlas in lemon
aclick to hear soundaas the article a

 3. Tigrinya letters with two legs with round heads

Letters which are pronounced the same in English Letters which are pronounced the same in other European Languages Other letters
de click to hear sound d as in day'peclick to hear soundpp  
click to hear sound j as in jarxeclick to hear soundts

 4. Tigrinya letters with three legs

Letters which are pronounced the same in English Letters which are pronounced the same in other European Languages Other letters
'tclick to hear sound tt
'hclick to hear sound hh
'chclick to hear sound tch

 5. Tigrinya letters round shape

Letters which are pronounced the same in English Letters which are pronounced the same in other European Languages Other letters
weclick to hear soundwas in well'eclick to hear sound a'e
me click to hear sound m as in message
he click to hear sound h as in helm, hen

 6. Tigrinya letters having L shape

Letters which are pronounced the same in English Letters which are pronounced the same in other European Languages Other letters
re click to hear sound r as in red
fe click to hear sound f as in fence

Watch a presentation of the Tigrinya alphabet .

Now: Test your knowledge of Tigrinya letters.

Test your knowledge of Tigrinya vowel 'u' or  'oo'.

Test your knowledge of Tigrinya vowel 'i' or 'ee'.

Test your knowledge of Tigrinya vowel 'a'.

Test your knowledge of Tigrinya vowel 'ie'.

Test your knowledge of Tigrinya vowel 'o'.


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