Dive into the UCL Promotion Process with a 90-min workshop on navigating UCL Promotions for Academics and Professional Service.
Gain vital insights into how to advance your academic or professional service career. Beginning with an info session about promotion process from HR, followed by a contribution led by the Head of the Department of Greek and Latin, giving us the Head's perspective, ending with a Q&A session. An exclusive opportunity to demystify promotions at UCL and take charge of your career advancement. #UCLPromotions #CareerAdvancement
- 10.00-10.35 Promotions Processes for UCL Academics
- 10.35-11.10 The Head of Department's and Applicants Perspectives
- 11.10-11.30 Q&A
When: 20 September 2023, 10.00-11-30am
Where: Online via Teams
Microsoft Teams meeting / Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 369 206 877 370
Passcode: hFYD8e