
History of Art


Welcome to UCL History of Art

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  • 00:05 - Professor Bob Mills, Head of Department 
  • 01:06 - Professor Alison Wright, Chair of the Exam Board 
  • 02:47 - Dr Aparna Kumar, Careers Tutor 
  • 03:43 - Dr Ramon Amaro, Deputy Undergraduate Admissions Tutor 
  • 04:55 - Dr Emily Floyd, Inclusion Lead 
  • 05:12 - Dr Cadence Kinsey, Undergraduate Admissions Tutor 
  • 06:29 - Dr Hélia Marçal, Materials and Technology BA Tutor / UCL East Lead 
  • 07:23 - Dr Hanna Hölling, Materials and Technology BA Tutor
  • 09:25 - Dr Mignon Nixon, Research Director 
  • 09:38 - Dr Jacopo Gnisci
  • 12:33 - Dr Nick Robbins, Deputy Chair of the Exam Board 
  • 13:16 - Professor Tamar Garb, Research Director 
  • 15:33 - Dr Richard Taws, Graduate Tutor 
  • 17:00 - Dr Rosemary Moore, Departmental Tutor 
  • 19:06 - Dr Jacob Paskins, Head of Education 
  • 20:45 - Professor Rose Marie San Juan