
History of Art


Sophie Morris

Sophie Morris


I graduated from UCL with BA in History of Art in 2011 and an MA in History of Art in 2012. Before starting my PhD I was a curatorial assistant at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts in Birmingham, working with seventeenth-century English portrait miniatures in the museum laid the foundation for my current research interests.


Muscles, Manners and Motion: Theatrical Anatomy and Print Culture in Seventeenth-Century London

My current PhD research takes John Browne's anatomical Treatise of the Muscles (London, 1681) as the primary object of enquiry. The project handles a breadth of visual material from expressions of courtesy culture in costume and deportment, to theatrical gesture at the Restoration playhouse and anatomical drawing practices before the founding of an institutional artistic academy in London. The wider aim of this project is situate Browne's treatise within the body of literature that deals with the intersection of art and science in the socio-historical and cultural context of seventeenth-century London.

Research Interests

Seventeenth-century English print culture, early modern costume and courtesy culture, the Restoration London Playhouse, Early modern anatomical imagery, images of gesture and bodily movement, early modern scientific treatise and technologies.


Selected Publications

Exhibition Review. 'The Institute of Sexology,' Wellcome Collection, Object (2015)

Co-organiser of Know Thyself Conference, 2nd May, 2015 (UCL)

Curated an exhibition of seventeenth-century portrait miniatures from the Royal Collection, London at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham where I was a curatorial assistant in 2013.


BA Teaching: Teaching Assistant Undergraduate Core Course: Art History and its Objects 2014-2015

Teaching Assistant Undergraduate Gateway Course: After Life: Art, Knowledge and Observation in Early Modern Europe 2015-2016

UCL Arena One Teaching Associate Programme 2015

Research Themes

Art, Design and Architecture

Language, Linguistics and Literature