Indicative Weekly Topics
Week 1: What is Landscape?
Week 2: Landscape as History
Week 3: Landscape as Picture
Week 4: Landscape as Map
Week 5: Enclosure and Industrialization
Week 6: Translating the Pacific
Week 7: The ‘Industrial Sublime’
Week 8: Slavery and Landscapes of Labour in the Atlantic World
Week 9: Seeing Landscape in London
Week 10: Poetics and Politics
Week 11: Settler Colonialism & Indigenous Landscapes in Tasmania
Week 12: The Annihilation of Time and Space
Week 13: Atlantic Histories
Week 14: Colonial Whiteness
Week 15: Purity and Danger
Week 16: Photography, War, Revolt
Week 17: Industrial Waste / Industrial Idylls
Week 18: Post-Colonial Ecologies
Week 19: Diasporic Geographies
Week 20: Legacies of Empire and British ‘Heritage’
Suggested Reading
George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss (1860): Penguin Classics or Oxford World Classics.
Elizabeth Bishop, ‘The Map’, ‘Large Bad Picture’, ‘At the Fishhouses’, in The Complete Poems: 1927–1979 (New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1979).
Raymond Williams, The Country and the City (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1973).
Lisa Lowe, The Intimacies of Four Continents (Durham: Duke University Press, 2015)