
History of Art


HART0084 Repatriation in the Age of Global Dispossession - indicative weekly topics

HART0084: Repatriation in the Age of Global Dispossession

UCL History of Art, Year 2 BA Advanced Lecture, Autumn 2020; Wednesdays 11am-1pm

Suggested Reading:

Indictive Weekly Topics:

  1. Imperialism, Dispossession, Art, and Repatriation
  2. The Universal Survey Museum and Contemporary Contestations
  3. The Museum and the Colony
  4. Colonial Theft or Cultural Dispossession?
  5. Repatriation, Anthropology, and Human Remains
  6. Repatriation and Postcolonial Nation-Building
  7. Repatriation and the Crisis of Partition
  8. Codifying Repatriation and World Heritage
  9. The Politics of Repatriation in Times of War and Terror
  10. Repatriation, Activism, and Global Contemporary Art
  11. Towards a New Relational Ethics? – The Sarr-Savoy Report