Ultrasound Basics
- Machine Setup
- Image Optimisation
- Imaging the needle
- Recording and Image Archiving
Exercises to acquire needling skills
- Meat phantoms
- Other food stuff phantoms
- Commercially available phantoms
Commonly Performed Blocks
- Interscalene Block
- Supraclavicular Block
- Axillary Block
- Forearm blocks
- Femoral Nerve Block/Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block
- Popliteal Block
- Ankle Block
Watch for LAST (Local Anaesthetic Systemic Toxicity). Signs can include;tinnitus, metallic taste, tingling in the lips or mouth. Advanced symtoms include seizures, loss of consciousness, bradycardia and hypotension.
Aagbi Local Anaesthetic Toxicity Guidelines (2010)