Consultant in Anaesthesia & Chronic Pain Medicine (Urogenital and General) |
Interests |
Pain Medicine (General + Urogenital) and Anaesthesia Abdomino-Pelvic Pain Medicine Simulation Based Training Medical Leadership in the NHS Education |
Selected Publications |
Abdominopelvic pain syndromes. Rea W, Currran N. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain. BJA. May 2014. Chronic pain after surgery: pathophysiology, risk factors and prevention. Reddi D, Curran N. Postgrad Med J 2014;0:1-6 Preoperative pain scores do not predict morphine requirements or pain scores following laparoscopy for endometriosis. Chatten K, Holding J, Smart S, Curran N, Almadi B, Brandner B. Poster at 14th World Congress in Pain, Milan, August 2012. The effectiveness of specialised pain management programmes: Benchmarking against published outcomes for general pain management programme. Edwards S…Curran N. Poster at the British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Liverpool, 2014 Diagnosis and management of haemorrhagic and septic shock. Cormack C, Curran. In Acute Gynaecology and Early Pregnancy Eds Jurkovic D, Farquharson R. RCOG Bookshop, 2011. Emerging therapies and novel approaches to visceral pain. Wesselmann U, Baranowski A, Börjesson M, Curran N, Czakanski P Giamberardino M, Ness T, Robbins M, Traub R. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies. Drug Discov Today Ther Strateg. 2009 AUTUMN; 6(3): 89-95.
Urogenital Pain in Men. Curran N. In Pain News, Winter 2008.
Epidemiology. Curran N, Baranowski A. In Visceral Pain: Current understanding, emerging therapies and novel approaches to drug discovery. 1st Ed.; Wesselmann U, Ed: Dekker: New York. In Press
Pharmacological diagnostic tests. Baranowski A, Curran N. In Practice & Procedures , Clinical Pain Management. 2nd Edition. Lead Ed.; A Rice: Hodder Arnold 2008 Initial assessment in the Pain Management Centre. Curran N. In Urogenital Pain. 1st Ed.; Baranowski A, Ed: Dekker: New York. Dec 2007
Selective effects of ketamine on regions subserved by the frontal cortex. Pine A, Curran N, Brandner B, Morgan C, Rogers R, Curran H. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2006, 20, A52, TB21. ISSN: 0269-8811
Dysfonction gastro-intestinale postoperatoire: epidemiologie et traitement. Mythen MG, Curran N. Praticien en Anesthesie Reanimation 2006; 10(3): 166-172 Should 22G spinal needles for accessing the subarachnoid space be banned? Barker H, Curran N. Hosp Med. 2005 Oct; 66(10): 600 Patient-controlled analgesia: does one regimen fit all? Curran N. Hosp Med. 2005 Aug; 66(8): 492
Chronic pain following trauma. Curran N, Brandner B. Trauma 2005 Jul 7(3): 123-131 |
My Pain summary talk Dec 2016 |
Address |
Anaesthetics Department Podium 3, Maple Link corridor University College Hospital 235 Euston Road London NW1 2BU |
Phone | 02034484776 - Pain Medicine |