Paulo Drinot on Coronavirus in the UK
17 April 2020
The UK has now reached 11,000+ coronavirus-related deaths; its mortality curve surpasses those of Italy or Spain. Could things have been different?

Paulo Drinot analyses the UK's approach to the coronavirus crisis in this article, recently published by História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos (History, Sciences, Health – Manguinhos) . Read the article here. [Spanish only]
História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos (History, Sciences, Health – Manguinhos) is a quarterly publication of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, a division within the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation devoted to documentation and research in the history of science and health and also to science a quarterly publication of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, a division within the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation devoted to documentation and research in the history of science and health and also to science communication.
Dr Paulo Drinot is Associate Professor of Latin American History at UCL Institute of the Americas