
UCL Institute of the Americas


Mexican Foreign Relations from the Revolution into the Cold War

06 February 2023, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

Event poster showing a photograph of the UCL Portico, the event and series titles, guest speaker and date

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UCL Institute of the Americas

This panel will discuss how Mexico's diplomatic and economic relationship with Latin America, the Caribbean, and the broader Third World changed from the Revolution to (and throughout) the Cold War. The discussion will highlight how different conceptions of development and resource extraction impacted Mexican foreign relations and its internal political economy, while also considering the role of Mexico in shaping the broader Cold War. Audience members will have the chance to engage with the panel on these questions. 

About the Speakers

Professor Amelia M. Kiddle

Associate Professor at University of Calgary

Professor Kiddle's 2016 monograph Mexico’s Relations with Latin America during the Cárdenas Era, was based upon her University of Arizona doctoral dissertation, which won the 2010 Premio Genaro Estrada. She has also edited or co-edited three books: Energy in the Americas: Critical Reflections on Energy and History (2021), La expropiación petrolera Mexicana en la prensa de Latinoamérica (2016), and Populism in Twentieth Century Mexico: The Presidencies of Lázaro Cárdenas and Luis Echeverría (2010). Her articles have appeared in the Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Lateinamerikas/Anuario de Historia de América Latina (2017), Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos (2015), Istor. Revisa de Historia Internacional (2015), and the Journal of Latin American Studies (2010).

Professor Christy Thornton

Assistant Professor of Sociology and co-chair of the program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Professor Thornton is the author of Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy (University of California Press, 2021). Her second manuscript project, “To Reckon with the Riot: Global Economic Governance and Social Protest,” investigates the impact of social protest around the world on international financial institutions (IFIs), asking how widespread protest against policy implemented at the behest of organizations like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization was understood inside those institutions. 

Professor Renata Keller

Associate Professor of Latin American History at University of Nevada, Reno

Professor Keller focuses on the Cold War and international history. Her first book, Mexico's Cold War: Cuba, the United States, and the Legacy of the Mexican Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 2015) was awarded SECOLAS's Alfred B. Thomas Book Prize and honorable mentions for RMCLAS's Thomas McGann and Michael C. Meyer Prizes. Her second book, tentatively titled Nuclear Reactions: The Cuban Missile Crisis and Cold War in Latin America, is a hemispheric history of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Her articles include pieces in The Journal of Latin American Studies, The Journal of Cold War Studies, The Latin American Research Review, Diplomatic History and Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos

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