Colonies to Country – Canada, 1763-1867
23 March 2021, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm

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UCL Institute of the Americas
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Attention has been focused in recent years – especially since the anniversary year of 2017 – on the establishment of the Canadian Confederation in 1867 as marking the beginning of modern Canada. But what of Canada before Confederation? The most recent issue of the London Journal of Canadian Studies, published by UCL Press, was devoted to this question and six articles on different aspects of pre-Confederation Canada were published as Volume 35 of the LJCS in autumn 2020, guest edited by two Canadian scholars, Jon Bradley and Sam Allison.
Several of the contributors will be taking part in an online discussion of their work at 4.00pm (UK time) and 12 noon (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday 23 March. This event has been organised by the guest editors in conjunction with the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN). It is scheduled to last for 90 minutes, including time for Q and A at the end. If you are interested in attending, please register via Eventbrite to be sent a Zoom link to the event.
Topics and participants:
Why Ross Survived When Franklin Died: Arctic Explorers and the Inuit, 1829-1848
Sir Nicholas Bayne, former High Commissioner to Canada
Loyalty and Lobbying: French-Canadian Delegates in London, 1763-1840
Damien-Claude Bélanger Chair of History Department, University of Ottawa
Settler Salvation and Indigenous Survival: George Copway’s Reconciliatory Vision, 1849-1851
John Bird, Doctoral candidate, University of Saskatchewan
Constitutional Statesmanship: Lord Durham and the Creation of a New Colonial Paradigm, 1839-1841
Richard Pound, Chancellor Emeritus, McGill University and Senior Member, IOC
Climate Observing During Canada’s Empires, 1742-1871: People, Paces and Motivations
Victoria Slonosky, Coordinator, McGill University Data Rescue: Archives and Weather