These community engagement activities aim to bring together the UK Astronomical Community to form a single consortium, which will meet the needs of the UK science community, providing seamless access to SKA data and support, and enabling UK scientists to lead exploitation.
Town Halls
- May 2022: Developing the UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC). 70 members of the community joined us to find out more about the SKA, UKSRC strategy, the funding call and upcoming community engagement activities. Catch up with the recording or combined slide deck.
- November 2021: “SKAO: From Construction to Science”. The slides are available on Slack SKA Science channel. This was organised by the UK SKA Science Committee.
UK Science community priorities, demonstrators and engagement
The UK Astronomy community were invited to use Well Sorted (quick video) to identify key science areas for the SKA-Low frequencies, and for MID and mixed frequencies. We received 94 submissions for the two sorts. These were used as the starting point to decide on the breakout groups during Workshop 1.
In Workshop 1 (30 May 2022) the community identified the workflows for their area of interest in the breakout groups. The community went onto discuss the training needs, and shared 'what works' in training, impact and public engagement. Documents used in the workshop are available on zenodo.