
3D GeoInfo 2020


Instructions for Speakers and Session Chairs

Instructions for speakers and session chairs.

Instructions for Speakers and Session Chairs

We've tried to make participating in our conferemce as close to the face-to-face experience as possible, and to assist with this each session will be allocated a technical expert who will drive the remo.co platform, make people a 'speaker' so that they can be seen and heard, and start the video recordings.    Details of how this will work can be found here. 


Instructions for Speakers

To make sure we don't hit internet issues, all talks are pre-recorded and our technical team will handle starting/stopping the recordings.  Speakers should be present during their session to answer any questions. 


Instructions for Session Chairs

We've tried to make chairing a session online as similar to chairing a session face to face as we can, so you don't have to worry about technical issues and can concentrate on the talks.