
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology


**LMCB Student Noticeboard**

**LMCB Student Activities**

Monday - Netball (Rob Gray)

Tuesday - Running club (Lindsey Millward + Harry Horsnell)

Wednesday - Yoga (Neza Vadnjal)

Thursday - Boardgame nights (Henry)


**Upcoming Cocktail Night**

Friday 2nd November, 5pm - Theme TBC!


**Biosciences Quiz**

Thursday 22nd November - 5:30pm, Graduate student hub (Medical Sciences Building, rooms LG40/41)

Free food, drinks and prizes!



LMCB Christmas party will be held on Thursday 13th December - starting at 5pm in the coffee room with the party continuing at Mully's!

Prepare for cheesy christmas hits, mulled wine and dancing!