MNA Allstars 2003 photo gallery

Please send any further contributions to Andy

We start 'em young - Mariella, our mascot! (thinks - what am I doing with this bunch of reprobates?)

Taryn realises everyone else has run away

Justin puts the hex on the visitors

Belinda says - everybody hands UP!

Hannah is not impressed by the elevation of the opposition
(or: 'Six inches, is that all you've got?')

Taryn leave Gary alone!

(most of) the Tiffins squads: back L-R Julia P, Gary, Alison, Doug, Alexandra, Andy; middle Julie, Amutha, Yasmine; front Taryn (missing: Justin, Laurence, Jamie, Vicky).

Don't play with them, you don't know where they've been

Everyone tries to pretend Justin didn't just drop one

The Specials at Hayes - L-R (back) Emma, Kylie, Doug, Andy, Alison, (front) Justin, Taryn, Belinda, Hannah

Hard work, this netball lark...

The Brighton squad receives its trophy! L-R: Belinda, Hannah, Mike, Janie, Andy, "the Body"(Organiser), Alison, Mark (Organiser), Laurence, Maureen

The squad down the pub at the Brighton Marina

The annual men's shortdropping tradition continues offcourt

It's Mr Lazy - but surely he can't be running?!

Doug badly misinterprets Janie's comments about his handling skills...

Oh no not GD again!

Ali's tactical talk has everyone's full attention...

The squad for Brean, a bit down over 2002 - L-R Sarah, Aimee, Justin, Kelly, Hannah, Doug (+ Andy on camera duty, Jo and Vanya in hiding, and Eugene and Laurence gone AWOL)

Is Aimee defending Eugene, or just going to hit him?

Justin actually looking the part for once...

...And Doug too! Is it playing Center that does it...?

Wot you lookin at?

Stars vs Pumas - don't they look keen!

Old netballers never die - they just get left behind to do the admin

Champions at Poplar again! L-R Belinda, Terry, Jules, Dan, Lisa, Rob, Cathy, Nick (missing: Pui-Yee)

The CNUK World Cup II squad - looking positive (before Hayles did her ankle obviously!) L-R back, Kylie, Belinda, Amutha, Anne, front Eugene, Hayley, Andy (and thanks to Jen for filling in!)

The core of the summer squads at Paddington - L-R (back) Cath, Sandra, Lyndsay, Andy, Aimee, Helen, Anne (front) Petra, Maggie, Dean, Chris, Justin

Ah, summer nights at the pub after netball...Specials and assorted hangers-on relax.

The MNA Open Tournament - will you look at that concentration!

The Skanky Hoes - Croydon Champions! L-R Hayden, Belinda, George, Kylie, Andy, Pets, Dean, Justin

The Skankies meet Blind Date (it's a long story...) L-R Mike, Hayden, Belinda, George, Dean, Kylie, Andy, Pets, Ali, Justin, Aimee, Doug

Doug, Hannah, Pauline, Andy & Justin wonder where the rest of the Alpha squad went...After all we did come second!

Douggie's "I am a netball god" routine has its usual effect

We won another one! Poplar Gala Day squad L-R Doug, Anna, Jenni, Nissa, Susie, Rob, Aimee, Dan

...and another one! Islington champs L-R Nick, Dan, Andrea, Rob, Anna, Amanda, Andy, Susie (missing - Lou)

...and ANOTHER one! Stratford Autumn champs L-R Rob, Pui-Yee, Nissa, Nick, Rozanne, Lisa, Jenni, Dan

Louise makes up for missing the formal Islington Party Sluts winners photo by diving to the front in this one :-)

Andy and Susie doing what they do best... apart from defence!

Nick, Andy and Dan fail to look cool...

How to be an Islington Party Slut by numbers: L-R (1) getting drunk, (2) way too drunk, (3) surely I should have pulled by now...

The secret of Anna's "disappearing cigarette" trick is rather easily uncovered

Chelsea is slow to realise that discussing the footwork rule just ruins the party atmosphere ...

So THAT'S what they got up to in Dublin.... the post-tournament Dublin tour party in full swing (and if you think I'm naming all that lot think again!)

Andy B sits on Nicky's foot and Lou gets a bad attack of the "Marlene Dietrichs" as the official dublin tour photo is taken (L-R Nicky, Andy B, Susie, Nick, Lou, Tracey, Andy

We may not have won. but we know how to have a good time (especially Nicky by the look of it!)

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