
Access and Widening Participation


Your School/College

Use the spreadsheets on this page to find your school in our schools’ database.

Follow these steps to find your school/ college in the spreadsheets and enter into your application form:

  • Open the spreadsheet and click “Read-Only”
  • In column A filter to find your borough or county
  • Find your school on column B
  • Copy the whole cell containing your school name including the code and paste it into your application form (e.g. “All Saints Catholic School and Technology College | 926 | --")

Schools lists

To find your GCSE school, please click the link below. (For students in Year 7-11 in England and Wales, S1-S5 in Scotland, and Year 8-12 in Northern Ireland)

To find your A’ level or equivalent school or college click the link below. (For students in Year 12-13 in England and Wales, S6 in Scotland, and Year 13-14 in Northern Ireland)