
Access and Widening Participation


Meet the Taster Presenter Series: Societies & Cultures

Meet Jessica, your Societies & Cultures Taster Presenter! 

When Jessica first ran through one of her sessions with the team, we were all hooked and couldn't wait to find out more. She definitely sparked an interest in all of us! We have no doubt that all of you taking part in the Societies & Cultures strand are going to feel the same way throughout the programme, and we can't wait to hear what you think…

Jessica, where did you grow up?

I grew up in a seaside town on the Isle of Wight.

And where did you do your undergraduate degree? What did you study? 

I did my History undergraduate degree at UCL and came back here to study for my PhD as well.

What are you currently studying and what is your specific area of research?

I'm studying for a PhD in Ancient History and my area of research is Roman Theatre. I spend most of my time analysing the images of actors, masks, and theatre performances which have survived from the Roman era.

picture of jess ucl expand presenter


I spend most of my time analysing the images of actors, masks, and theatre performances which have survived from the Roman era.”““I spend most of my time analysing the images of actors, masks, and theatre performances which have survived from the Roman era.”

Jessica, we know you love studying and researching, but what is your favourite thing about being a university student?

Getting to meet lots of different people from around the world!

Do you know what you want to do when you finish your degree?

I'm in my last year of studying so I am hoping to continue to work in academia once I complete my research. 

I have also worked a lot in museums and would love to get involved with curating exhibitions.


Jessica, I know you're looking forward to UCL Expand and meeting the participants. What are you most excited about? 

I am excited to get to introduce students to Ancient History. Rome has an amazing, diverse history and I am looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for their final projects.

Tell us a random fact about you…

My family and I just adopted a kitten! We rescued it from the side of the road.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Shapeshifting. You could become a bird to fly or an ant to become invisible - literally anything.

What's your favourite meal?

Without a doubt, steak and chips.

Until next time

Thank you Jessica, its so nice to find out more about you and introduce you to your subject strand participants, before they meet you in-person on the 14 February!