
Access and Widening Participation


Meet the Taster Presenter Series: Life & Health Sciences

To the Life & Health Sciences participants, you're in great hands!

When we first met Adama all of the team were blown away by her ideas, passion and knowledge. We knew straight away that Adama would create and deliver a fun, exciting, informative and valuable programme for the participants, and we are so excited for you to see what she has planned...

So, Adama, where did you grow up?

I grew up in Camden, London, and Freetown, Sierra Leone. 

And where did you do your undergraduate degree? What did you study?  

I did my undergraduate at the University of Leicester in Medical Physiology. I got to learn a lot about the human body, how disease progresses and what treatments there are for these diseases.

Interesting! And what about now? What are you currently studying and what is your specific area of research?

I am currently doing a PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences. I’ve been quite obsessed with the heart for a while, but my research now looks at how heart diseases and brain disease such as Dementia are related.

picture of ucl expand presenter adama


My favourite thing about being a university student is being in a space where I constantly get to learn new things and meet people from all over the world." ““I spend most of my time analysing the images of actors, masks, and theatre performances which have survived from the Roman era.”

What is your favourite thing being a university student?

Being in a space where I constantly get to learn new things and meet people from all over the world.

Do you know what you want to do when you finish your degree?

I have quite some time till I finish, but right now I am interested in either staying within research in academia or working in the space of health technology applications. 

So many people record loads of health data now (e.g. heart rate, physical activity and sleep), and it will be interesting to see what could be understood from that to improve our health.


Adama, what are you most excited about with UCL Expand?  

I am really excited to share what Life and Health Sciences has to offer, using my research as a current example. I am really excited for students to get immersed in the research process and work with them in their journeys in understanding and potentially coming up with cool health solutions.

Tell us a random fact about you…

I just started learning how to knit! Literally this year.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Teleportation. I would be so much more efficient . I spend so much time dreading ‘the journey’ it would be easy to just think about it and be where I need to be.

If you could choose something to have an unlimited supply of, what would it be?

Jewellery. I think its my most current want at the moment. There are just so many options to choose from it’d be nice to just have an unlimited range of styles, shapes, colours and textures!

Until next time

Thank you, Adama, its great to find out more about you and introduce you to our UCL Expand participants.

Expand participants, it's not long until we meet you and we are also looking forward to finding out more about you!