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Meet the Taster Presenter Series: Creativity & Imagination

Let's find out more about your Creativity & Imagination Taster Presenter!

As Maya continues to map out the Creativity & Imagination content and sessions, the more excited we get! We're sure you're going to love what she has in store for you. 

Not only is it going to be hands-on and exciting, whilst developing your skills along the way, its also likely to be a topic which you've not been able to study in much detail (if at all), especially in this university-like format. 

So, Maya, where did you grow up?

I grew up in Brooklyn, New York. 

Ooh amazing! And where did you do your undergraduate degree? What did you study? 

I majored in Art History and did a thesis in Visual Art at Columbia University.

It was a liberal arts program, so I also took courses in a bunch of different humanities subjects.

Interesting! And what about now? What are you currently studying and what is your specific area of research?

I am currently doing an MA in Painting at the Slade School of Fine Art, here at UCL.

My research focuses on asemic (illegible) writing and the relationship between image, material, and the written word.

picture of ucl expand presenter maya


I love working alongside my brilliant cohort; it’s amazing to be part of a community of scholars and artists.”““I spend most of my time analysing the images of actors, masks, and theatre performances which have survived from the Roman era.”

What is your favourite thing being a university student?

I love working alongside my brilliant cohort; it’s amazing to be part of a community of scholars and artists.

Do you know what you want to do when you finish your degree?

I plan to continue working full-time as an artist and part-time as a teacher.


Maya, what are you most excited about with UCL Expand?  

I’m really looking forward to learning from my students and hearing their perspectives as digital natives.

Tell us a random fact about you…

I have never played football, but I’m hoping to join a team this year.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Fluency in every language. I love to travel… and chat.

If you could choose something to have an unlimited supply of, what would it be?

Art supplies!

Thank you, Maya!

Its great to find out more about you, Maya, and we're so looking forward to introducing you properly and in-person on the 14 February to your participants. They're in great hands!