
Access and Widening Participation


Get ready for UCL Expand with us!

It's almost time to welcome you to UCL Bloomsbury Campus, which will officially mark the beginning of your UCL Expand experience!

We are extremely excited to get started, but before we do, we want to make sure you're all ready to go, to ensure you have an enjoyable, safe and seamless time on the programme. 

Next Steps

This page will help to ensure your successful enrollment onto the programme, and to get you ready for arrival to UCL Bloomsbury Campus for the two in-person events!

  • Complete Enrollment: Let's make sure you've completed all you need to, to successfully complete your enrollment onto the programme! 
  • UCL Expand In-Person Introductory Day: Get ready for the big day! Let's make sure you're all ready to come to UCL on the 14 February. We will also give you some more clarity on what you can expect from the day. 
  • Get Excited: Roll up your sleeves and dive into the UCL Expand SharePoint Site. Read about your Taster Presenter, take a look at what you can find out about your subject strand, and have a peak at what our library team have put together for you. 

1. Personal Details Form

  • Make sure your parent/guardian has signed your personal details form and you have successfully submitted the form with this added
  • Make sure all information on your submitted personal details form is accurate and correct.

2. Are you expected to be in school on either of the in-person event dates?

  • We’ve tried our best to schedule these in-person events during half-term, however not all schools in the UK have the same holidays as others.

    If you are expected to be in school on the 14th of February and/or the 27th of March, please speak to your school staff and parent/guardian in good time so that you can arrange the day off. Both the UCL Expand Welcome Event & the UCL Expand Graduation Event last the duration of the day (10:00 - 16:00).

    We understand that getting time off school to come to campus might be difficult, so if you need to, please use the button below to request a letter to show your parent/guardian/teacher. This letter will explain a bit more about the programme, and the importance of attending the in-person events

Click here to request a letter to show parent/guardian/teacher

3. Travel to/from UCL Bloomsbury Campus

If UCL is not organising your travel to/from UCL Bloomsbury Campus for the in-person events, it is your responsibility to ensure that this is booked and paid for. 
If UCL is organising your travel, it is still your responsibility to organise your own journey to/from your local station. Please also be prepared to collect your physical train tickets from your local station. 
Click the button below to explore the different ways that you might travel to UCL Bloomsbury Campus

Click here for guidance on how you might travel to UCL Bloomsbury Campus

 DateStart TimeFinish Time
14 February 2024: UCL Expand Welcome Event10:45AM (Registration from 10:00 - 10:30AM)16:00PM 
27 March 2024: UCL Expand Graduation Event10:45AM  (Registration from 10:00 - 10:30AM)16:00PM 

You need to ensure that you book travel that will allow you to arrive onto campus on time for the beginning of each in-person event, and a return ticket that will ensure you can stay for the duration of each day. 

If you require any assistance when booking, please get in touch with wp.post16@ucl.ac.uk

If you have any issues on the day, don't hesitate to call us on 07857630033.

4. Save our number on your phone

We ask that all participants aim to between 10:00AM and 10:30AM to ensure we are able to start promptly at 10:45AM. However, save our number so you can call us in case you're running late due to unavoidable circumstances.

Our number is 07857630033

Now you're all set, click the links below to find out more about the programme!

UCL Expand FAQs

UCL Expand: What to expect from the Welcome Event

UCL Expand Homepage