An overview of UCL's access and widening participation activity for 2020-21 including: who we engaged with, the effectiveness of our programmes and higher education destinations of past participants.
- A breakdown of demographic information for young people who we engaged with through our access and widening participation programmes in the 2020-21 academic year
- Analysis of evaluation survey data to understand the effectiveness of our programmes
- Data on the higher education destinations of young people who have participated on our programmes in the past
Key findings
- Demographic data: we delivered 78 programmes and engaged with 4132 participants in the 2020-21 academic year. Approximately 70% of participants were on a Post-16 programme and 30% were on a Pre-16 programme
- Evaluation Surveys: the increase (from baseline to post-activity) in participants providing a Very Confident or Fairly Confident rating for specific elements of the programme they attended were: 26% increase for “Managing workload at university” and “Living in university halls in London”; 20% increase for “Researching university course options”; 19% increase for “Career options available for your chosen degree programme”; 13% increase for “Selecting the right university course for you”; and 12% increase for “Your subject knowledge of your chosen degree programme”.
- University Progression: Data obtained from the Higher Education Statistics Agency shows that overall, 87% of past participants had entered Higher Education within two years of turning 18
Key words
Evaluation, Progression to HE, Programme Delivery
Other Projects
- Delivery mode analysis for in-person, online and hybrid models
- Evaluation of attainment raising programmes