The fieldsite is in one of the least developed regions of Trinidad. The semi-urban town has a population of around 18,000 and the demographics are fairly representative of Trinidad as a whole, with approximately 40% of Indo-Trinidadian heritage, 40% of Afro-Trinidadian heritage and a minority of those with Anglo-European, Syrian-Lebanese, and Chinese heritages. The town has a rapidly increasing number of services and businesses and serves as a hub for surrounding villages.
Trinidad: Party photos
Introduction - Island and Ideals
Introduction to the field site - a place in-between
A guide to "macoing" or how to be nosy
A guide to "bacchanal" or arguing
What's on with WhatsApp
Hanging out, or 'liming'
The Social World of Gaming
The Local Internet Café
Make-up with Gia
Carnival - Making Mas
Carnival - Playing Mas
Trinidad: Doing Ethnography
How We Made Short Ethnographic Films
Daily Brand Promotion
Coming out as LGBT animation
Trinidad: Meet the People

Our researcher in Trinidad
Jolynna Sinanan is a Vice Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). From 2011-2014, she was a Research Fellow in Anthropology at UCL. Co-author (with D. Miller) of 'Webcam'. Her areas of research are digital ethnography, new media, migration and gender in Trinidad, Australia, and Singapore.