Costa, E. 2016 Social Media in Southeast Turkey. London: UCL Press
Haynes, N. 2016 Social Media in Northern Chile. London: UCL Press
McDonald T. 2016 Social Media in Rural China. London: UCL Press
Miller, D. 2016 Social Media in An English Village. London: UCL Press
Miller, D. 2016 The Comfort of People. Cambridge: Polity
Miller, D. Costa, E, Haynes, N, McDonald, T. Nicolescu, R. Spyer, J. Venkatraman, S and Wang, X. 2016 How the World Changed Social Media. London: UCL Press
Miller, D. and Sinanan, J 2017 Visualising Facebook. London: UCL Press
Nicolescu, R 2016 Social Media in Southeast Italy. London: UCL Press
Sinanan, J. Social Media in Trinidad. UCL Press (November 2017)
Spyer, J, Social Media in Emergent Brazil. UCL Press (October 2017)
Venkatraman, S. 2017 Social Media in South India. London: UCL Press
Wang, X. 2016 Social Media in Industrial China. London: UCL Press
Borgeson, J and Miller, D. 2016 Scalable sociality and "How the world changed social media". Consumption, Markets and Culture 19 (6) 520-533
Costa, E and L Menin 2016 Digital Intimacies: Exploring Digital Media and Intimate Lives in the Middle East and North Africa Introduction Middle East Journal Of Culture And Communication 9 (2), 137-145
Costa, E. 2016 The Morality of Premarital Romances Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 9 (2), 199-215
Costa E. 2017 Social media as practices: a critique of 'affordance' and 'context collapse' through an ethnographic study of social media uses in Southeast Turkey. (temporary title) (forthcoming New Media & Society
Costa E. 2017 Facebook location services, leisure and consumption in southeast Turkey. Forthcoming In Goggin, Horst and Wilken (eds) Location Technologies in International Context. London: Routledge
Costa, E and Menin, l. 2016 Introduction to special Issue, Digital Intimacies Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. Vol 9 (2).pp.: 137-145 (9)
Haapio-Kirk, L. 2017 Why We Post: Digital methods for public anthropology. Teaching Anthropology 7: 34-44
Haynes, N and Wang, X Forthcoming 2017 Making Migrant Identities on Social Media: A Tale of Two Neoliberal Cities on Opposite Sides of the Pacific Rim Media, Culture and Society, Crosscurrents issue on "Media, Culture and Change Across the Pacific: Perspectives from Asia, Oceania and the Americas," John Postill, Heather Horst, and Raul Castro, eds.
McDonald, T. 2016. Desiring mobiles, desiring education: mobile phones and families in a rural Chinese Town. In S. S. Lim (Ed.), Mobile Communication and the family: Asian experiences in technology domestication. Dordrecht: Springer.
McDonald, T. (Submitted Mar 2017, currently undergoing 'revise & resubmit') Strangership and Social Media: Moral Imaginaries of Gendered Strangers in Rural China. American Anthropologist
McDonald, T., Laidler, K and Dean, M (2017, accepted) Negotiating the ethics of gendered online spaces in Mainland China and Hong Kong. In: M. Tolich & R. Iphofen (Eds.) SAGE Handbook of Ethics in Qualitative Research. London: SAGE.
McDonald, Tom, Nicolescu, Razvan and 2017 Chapter 8: Small places turned inside out: social networking in small communities. In Hjorth, L., H. Horst, A. Galloway and G. Bell (eds) The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography, London: Routledge. ISBN: 1138940917
Miller D. 2014 Facebook and the Origins of Religion In, A. Abramson and M. Holbraad Framing Cosmologies: Manchester University Press 244-260 Isbn 9780719005003
Miller, D. 2014 The Tragic Dénouement of English Sociality, Cultural Anthropology 30 (2) 336-357,
Miller, D. 2015 Photography in the age of Snapchat. Anthropology and Photography Vol 1. Royal Anthropological Institute ISSN 2397-1754 ISBN 978-0-900632-43-3
Miller, D. 2016 in Auge, M. et. al Le case dell'uomo: Abitare il mondo. Utet
Miller, D. 2017 Interior Decoration: Offine and Online. In Clarke, A Ed, Design Anthropology 2nd Edition. London: Bloomsbury
Miller, D 2017 The Ideology of Friendship in the era of Facebook. Hau 7 (1) 377-395
Miller, D. 2017 The Discipline is Anthropology but the Goal is Ethnography. Hau 7 (1) 27-31
Miller, D. Submitted Of Pubs and Platforms.
Miller, D with Elisabetta Costa, Laura Haapio-Kirk, Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Razvan Nicolescu, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkatraman and Xinyuan Wang 2016 Why We Post. Anthropology News 57 (9-10) 4-5 issn 0098-1605
Miller, D. with Elisabetta Costa, Laura Haapio-Kirk, Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Razvan Nicolescu, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkatraman and Xinyuan Wang) 2017 forthcoming, In Tong, V Ed Connecting Research and Teaching: Students as Partners in Shaping Higher Education. UCL Press
Miller, D. with Elisabetta Costa, Laura Haapio-Kirk, Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Razvan Nicolescu, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkatraman and Xinyuan Wang) Actually comparative anthropology. (Forthcoming Ethnos)
Miller, D and Venkatraman. S (Submitted) Facebook Interactions: an ethnographic approach
Sinanan, J. 2016 Chapter 11: Xin Yimin: 'New' Chinese migration and new media in a Trinidadian town. In Sun, W. and J. Sinclair (eds) Media and Communication in the Chinese Diaspora: Rethinking Transnationalism, London, New New York: Routledge. pp. 203 - 219 ISBN: 9781138859401
Sinanan, J. 2016 Chapter 4: Social Media and Sorting Out Family Relationships. In Tettegah, S. (ed.) Emotions, Technology and Social Media, London: Elsevier. pp. 36 - 60 ISBN: 9780128018576
Sinanan and Hosein Non-activism: Political engagement and Facebook through ethnography in Trinidad Social Media and Society forthcoming Social Media + Society
Sinanan, Jolynna and McDonald, Tom 2017 'Chapter 11: Ethnography. In Burgess, J., A. Marwick and T. Poell (Eds) The Sage Handbook of Social Media, London: Sage. ISBN-10: 1473995795
Venkatraman, S. and Rangaswamy, N. 2016. Everyday Life in Tamil Nadu, India and Its Cost to "Free Basics". Proceedings of the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference 2016. (Minneapolis, USA)
Wang X. (in Press) Online community in a 'floating life': the anthropological study of the use of social media among Chinese rural migrants 'Communication and Society'. (In Chinese).