Improving Access to Assistive Products for Humanitarian Response
To contribute to WHO’s work on improving access to assistive products for humanitarian response, the team conduct research and collect evidence and data on need and access to Assistive Technology (AT) in humanitarian settings including the following sub-activities:
Background Paper on Humanitarian Settings and Assistive Technology (AT)
The team have worked with UNICEF and WHO to create and publish a Background Paper on Humanitarian settings and AT. The paper has been finalised and submitted to Rehabilitation Engineering and Assisstive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) as part of the Special Issue: Background Papers to the Global Report on Assistive Technology.
Report on Assistive Technology in Humanitarian Settings
As part of the ongoing work to complement the RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) paper, the team are exploring the situation with partners in two humanitarian contexts, Bangladesh (Christian Blind Mission) and Jordan (HelpAge International). The findings of the report are intended to help improve understanding of the need for AT in Humanitarian settings and provide recommendations for action by key stakeholders.
Humanitarian Assistive Product List (APL) Support
The team supports WHO’s exploration on the need for a Humanitarian APL.
Outputs and Publications
- Background Paper: Meeting AT needs in humanitarian crises: The current state of provision.
- Research Paper: Assistive Technology in Two Humanitarian Contexts: Bangladesh and Jordan
- Video: Humanitarian Network Partnerships Week Session on Assistive Technology
Researchers involved
- Dr Maria Kett