
GDI Hub, World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Assistive Technology


Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions

13 September 2023–14 September 2023, 9:30 am–5:30 pm

Event title: Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions

Be part of this story. Bringing together global experts and new voices to share big ideas and ask the question: What next for disability innovation?

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to









UCL Cinema and Online (Hybrid)
1 Pool Street
E20 2AF

Over the past 7 years the world has changed. Disability innovation has emerged into the mainstream. The power of Assistive Technology (AT) is now widely recognised. Decision makers, governments and businesses are embracing accessibility - making inclusive decisions on infrastructure, education, healthcare and communities.

This summit will explore the vision to 2030, bringing together global experts and new voices to share big ideas. We'll hear what's been tested and what's been learnt - asking the question: What next for disability innovation?

Tech has the power to change lives, but its people that change the world. Join Global Disability Innovation Hub to hear from innovators, communities, advocates, researchers and lived experienced experts. The more diverse the conversation the better we all learn.


  • Inclusive Interaction Lives [across the summer - #GDIx] Pre-events, collaborative workshops and individual addresses delivered globally to feed into the summit. Anyone can organise, digital or in-person.
  • Day 1: Disability Innovation Summit [13th September] Sharing big ideas and powerful insights, expert reflections, talks, showcases and discussions.
  • Day 2: Breakout and workshops [14th September] Informal session to capture global reflections - providing opportunities for debate and learning.

Further information

 Visit www.disabilityinnovation.com/events/summit for further details and to register your attendance online or in-person.


About the Speaker

Speakers to be announced

Other events in this series