Supporting UCU Policy on Global Climate Change - Workshop An Introduction to playful activism
12 January 2024
UCL UCU is sharing information with UCL UCU members as a way to encourage members to consider ways in which they could become more active in supporting UCU Policy on Global climate change.
Workshop - An Intro to Playful Activism
Thursday 18th January 17:30 - 19:30
Coney are an acclaimed arts and social change charity, who are a group of artists, thinkers and makers on a mission to spark change through the power of play. Their participatory work is rooted in a practice called ‘Playful Activism’. If Activism is the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a political or social result, Playful Activism infuses this action with play and creativity and, after a year of working with Greenpeace on Playful Climate Activism, they will share a creative activism toolkit with UCL Staff.
This event is organised by UCL Climate Activist Network and Coney Theatre, with funding from the Performing Planet Activism Seed Fund arranged by UCL Museums & Cultural Programmes.