Strikes next week called off, lunchtime protests, and MAB advice
21 September 2023
For those who weren't able to make the EGM, here are the headlines.
- Strike next week called off
- Lunchtime stalls planned
- Returning marks advice
- ‘Individual Case Review’ forms
Strike next week called off
At a well-attended meeting, members voted 126:102 for UCL UCU to opt out of the strike action next week.
There were many different views expressed in the meeting about the decision, but there was clear agreement that whether or not we took strike action, we should take some demonstrative protest action next week.
Lunchtime stalls and protest planned + social event
The plan is to run lunchtime stalls on campus next week at 12.00-14.00 for staff recruitment to UCU and leafleting and engaging students. These are planned for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week.
In addition, one of those days will also involve a protest on campus - stay tuned for details and specific date.
We are also going to be planning a social event soon to get together and especially say thank you to the MABbers – if you'd like to be involved in organising this then please get in touch with the committee via
Returning marks advice
Those who took part in the MAB continue to face punitive large deductions from pay imposed by UCL Management, while simultaneously being asked to complete the marking for which they were deducted.
Colleagues are reminded that they should not be expected to breach the hours of their contract (36.5 hours a week; pro-rata for part-time staff), deadlines must be reasonable, you are entitled to breaks and already booked leave, and health and safety is paramount!
If you believe you are facing excessive workloads or being placed under unreasonable pressure, do speak to your department rep in the first instance. Contact if you have no rep.
‘Individual Case Review’ forms
On Monday UCL started mailing out a questionnaire to MAB participants that they are calling an ‘Individual Case Review’ form.
We have produced a local UCL UCU FAQ to assist members in completing the form. Remember you have two weeks to complete the form.
If you have a question that isn’t answered by the FAQ please write to us at and we can try to answer it.
Some members in our branch meeting said that they had not received the form. We have raised this with HR.
As we explain in the FAQ, legally, staff are not obliged to chase HR – this is their process. However, the threat of 35 days’ pay being taken out of salary (because of a mixup or not) is a very large motivator for colleagues to get in touch with them. To contact HR about this, email