UCL-UCU: Faculty Cuts & Redundancies at UCL
6 October 2022
This message is to alert you to an important development
The Provost, Michael Spence, has announced that he intends to make cuts to faculty budgets averaging at 6% across all faculties (with some faculties seeing significantly larger cuts, potentially around 8%). Faculties have been told they can ‘decide how to find the savings,’ but savings at this level are likely to mean job cuts.
As the front end of this cuts programme, the Provost has announced that he is instituting a voluntary severance scheme called MARS (‘Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme’).
Read more about these cuts, what a MARS is, and what you and we can do about them, here.
We will be consulting with colleagues about our next steps.
In the meantime, we would remind colleagues that the national industrial action ballots are open. We need to show employers nationally that their programme of undermining our terms and conditions cannot go on.
Our next local UCU meeting is on Wednesday 12 October at 1pm.
UCL UCU Executive Committee
National ballots on USS and pay - reminder
If you have already voted, thank you!
Please vote to give UCU leverage in negotiating with the employers. If you have not yet voted please make sure you get your ballot in the post straight away.
If you have not received a ballot paper, please get a replacement asap (the deadline for applying for a replacement ballot is 12th October at midnight) and then vote. The ballot closes on 21 October (with the last day of posting 18 October) so there is still time.