UCL-UCU: Formal calling notice for UCL UCU Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 29 June 13:00-14:00
18 May 2022
This is a formal calling notice for the Annual General Meeting of UCL UCU which will be held on Wednesday 29 June from 13:00-14:00 (facilitated using Zoom conferencing).
If you wish to stand for election for a Branch Officer or Executive Committee member position, please email the Returning Officer when the call for nominations is circulated. You will need the support of a current member of the branch. Details for nomination to follow.
We strive for a wide representation of our diverse members in the elected bodies of the Union. Therefore, we especially welcome nominations of people from under-represented backgrounds.
The list of Branch Officer positions up for election is as follows (as per our local rules):
- The president
- The vice president
- The treasurer
- The secretary
- The equality officer
- The anti-casualisation officer
- The communications officer
- The health and safety officer
- The environment officer
- The postgraduate officer
Nominations will close on Tuesday 2 June at 17:30, 28 days before the AGM. Candidates will be invited to submit an election statement, 7 days after the nomination deadline. Election statements will be circulated to all members.
If you wish to submit a motion for debate at the AGM, please email ucu@ucl.ac.uk.
An agenda, draft minutes from the 2021 AGM, and details of the returning officer to whom to submit nominations for election will follow shortly.
UCL UCU Executive Committee