UCL-UCU: Please vote in the UCU NEC elections
18 February 2022
The ballot opened on Thursday 27 January and will close at noon on Tuesday 1 March 2022.
Your union’s National Executive Committee (NEC) is responsible for conducting the union’s business between Congress meetings (UCU’s supreme policy-making body). The Higher Education Committee is the HE sub-committee of the NEC that makes decisions about sector-specific matters, ranging from academic freedom to industrial action.
Elections take place annually for half of the NEC, and, except for student members, all members are entitled to vote. Like industrial action ballots, this electoral ballot is by post. You should have received an A4 envelope with a “CES” logo in the top left corner.
We encourage all members to vote.
Although UCU says the last safe date for posting is next Thursday 24 February, we strongly encourage colleagues to vote promptly. We believe that many votes in the most recent ballot were not counted because of postal delays.
Statements submitted for all candidates are in the ballot enclosure. In addition, some NEC candidates have provided additional election materials, which we have shared on our local website.
If you have not received the ballot, please click here to request a replacement ballot. The last day for replacement ballot requests is Tuesday 22 February 2022 (but again, we would strongly encourage an early request!)
UCL UCU Executive Committee