UCL-UCU: Reminder, EGM Tomorrow, Wednesday 14 December & Agenda
13 December 2022
This is to remind members of our UCL UCU Emergency General Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 14 December, at 1pm.
The meeting has been called to discuss the next steps in the dispute, including the Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB) and future strike action.
Please register in advance to receive a zoom link for the meeting.
- Report back from the UCU Higher Education Committee (HEC) - the elected body that decides on industrial action strategy, and on national negotiations.
- Open discussion on the Marking and Assessment Boycott - how should we be preparing and what will it involve?
There is a UCU FAQ on the Marking Boycott here: https://www.ucu.org.uk/MAboycottFAQs
This will also be a chance to raise questions about the overall strategy of the dispute including future strike action.
You can raise questions on Slido and in the meeting.
UCL UCU Executive