


Week against workplace racism

24 February 2021

UCU Week Against Workplace Racism

Every year, UCU highlights workplace racism in a week of events. Please see the UCU website resources for the UCU week of action against workplace racism.

UCL UCU plans to join this week of events by way of a virtual coffee meeting this Friday. Are you affected by Equality questions? Do you notice them? If so, this coffee slot is for you. You are invited to join us for coffee and informal chat on equality issues. 

Friday 26 Feb, 12-12.45pm - click here to RSVP.

Feel free to drop in to share your views and/or listen to colleagues. We look forward to seeing you. 

UCL has published its data on the gender pay gap and race pay gap. The former has shown some decline, but the race pay gap is more stubborn. Meanwhile women and staff of colour in all university occupations continue to feel the pandemic more severely than most, even as they make every effort to support the university and our students. 

We continue to challenge UCL management on many fronts, as our statement on the Black Lives Matter movement clarified last year.

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