Calling notice - Extraordinary General Meeting, Tue 15 Sep, 14:00-15:00, (facilitated using Zoom)
3 September 2020
This is a formal calling notice for an Extraordinary General Meeting of UCL UCU which will be held on Tuesday 15 September from 14:00 - 15:00, (facilitated using Zoom conferencing - details to follow).
he meeting will be an opportunity to discuss motions for, and to select up to 8 delegates to attend, a Special Higher Education Sector Conference (SHESC) called 'to debate and direct the union’s response to the attack on jobs, pay and conditions resulting from the response of employers to the Covid-19 pandemic, including a draft sector-wide claim'.
The SHESC will be an on-line meeting on 30 September, with two scheduled sessions - 11:00-13:00 and 13:45-15:45 - and additional short breaks within these sessions (these timings are subject to final confirmation).
Colleagues that wish to attend as a delegate from UCL UCU or to submit a motion for discussion should reply to this email in the first instance.
Further details to follow.