Extraordinary General Meeting: Wednesday 2 Oct, 1-2pm, Chadwick G08
2 October 2019
Further details and two motions for debate
In addition to presentations and discussion about our campaigns on USS and casualisation, equalities, pay and workload, we have received two motions for debate at our Extraordinary General Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 2 Oct, 1-2pm, Chadwick G08:
Motion 1 - Support union campaigns to bring outsourced staff in house
UCLUCU fully supports the demands of IWGB and Unison, who are both currently campaigning for UCL to bring their outsourced security guards, cleaners, and porters in house. We recognise that the struggle against outsourcing is connected to existing UCU campaigns against privatisation, precarity and pension cuts.
UCLUCU resolves that the branch committee will write to the Provost to communicate our support of these campaigns and to urge UCL take part in negotiations with both unions over their demands.
We have invited a speaker to update us on the campaign.
Motion 2 - Organising over pay, pensions and the environment
UCLUCU notes and applauds the recent climate action, most recently over 20-27 September, and commits to set up/support a staff climate action group at UCL to take these campaigns forward.
UCLUCU believes that in order to effectively prepare for the forthcoming disputes we should support opportunites to bring union reps and campaigners together over pay, pensions and the environment.
UCLUCU resolves to support, and host, two one-day national meetings side-by-side on 2 November at UCL:
- the #UCUTransformed3 national activist conference called by UCU London Region, including sessions on organising on pay, pensions and the environment,
- the Campaign Against Climate Change national meeting, including sessions aimed at trade unionists organising environmental campaigns, Green Jobs etc.