HR redundancy pay calculation error
24 May 2019
New calculations seen published on the HR website 23rd May 2019 should be ignored.
It was brought to the attention of the UCL UCU Executive Committee on Thursday 23rd May 2019 that the UCL HR webpage containing redundancy calculations had been unilaterally changed, effectively substantially reducing redundancy entitlements.
This change was made without informing, nor consulting with, its recognised trade unions, UCU, UNISON and UNITE.
The contractual Enhanced Redundancy Pay policy was unambiguously established by the Central Arbitration Committee in a case UCL vs trade unions 2007. The contractual position is set out here
UCL UCU swiftly contacted HR regarding this issue and received an apology and an assurance that the webpage will revert.
If you visited the UCL redundancy web page and noticed a cap of 12 weeks had been added, rest assured that this is not the case. If you, or any member you know of, has recently received a redundancy offer capped at 12 weeks please contact urgently.