Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (PGTA)? Know Your Rights at Work!
8 October 2018
Open meeting for all Postgraduate Teaching Assistants being organised by UCL UCU
UCL UCU is organising a meeting for all new and returning postgraduate teaching assistants to discuss their issues at UCL.
5:30-7pm, Wednesday 10 October.
Room 433 in Torrington Place, 1-19, UCL.
This meeting is open to all PGTAs at UCL. Attendees will receive information about their rights at work and we will discuss issues that specifically impact PGTAs including contracts, hours, casualisation, holiday pay and workload. There will also be a section dedicated to planning for a UCL-wide campaign on PGTA rights/issues.
If you know other PGTAs in your department, please encourage them to attend and ask them to consider joining UCU (membership is still free for PGTAs).