




Original rule 8.8:

8.8    Casual vacancies

If an office is vacant and no ballot is being held for that office, the committee is empowered to fill the vacancy, either from members of the committee itself or from the general membership of the Branch.  Officers so appointed will retire at the same time as if they had been duly declared elected at the last Annual General Meeting.

Proposed changes to rule 8.8

Add "by applying the mechanism of co-option" at the end of the first sentence of Rule 8.8. 

 The Rule would then read:

8.8 Casual vacancies

If an office is vacant and no ballot is being held for that office, the committee is empowered to fill the vacancy, either from members of the committee itself or from the general membership of the Branch by applying the mechanism of co-option.  Officers so appointed will retire at the same time as if they had been duly declared elected at the last Annual General Meeting.

Rationale: This simply makes it clear that the committee cannot bypass the democratic process of a GM vote.

Result: Carried (93% for; 7% against; 0% abstentions)

Rule 8.8 updated:

8.8 Casual vacancies

If an office is vacant and no ballot is being held for that office, the committee is empowered to fill the vacancy, either from members of the committee itself or from the general membership of the Branch by applying the mechanism of co-option.  Officers so appointed will retire at the same time as if they had been duly declared elected at the last Annual General Meeting.