



UCL UCU campaigns locally to defend and extend your rights at work.

Our other current disputes concern the Four Fights (equaltities, casualisation, workload and pay) and proposed detrimental changes to the USS pension scheme.  Past campaigns can be found in our archives.

The Four Fights dispute demands job security, manageable workloads, equality (national action to close gender, race and disability pay gaps), and a £2.5K pay rise across all grades.

Four Fights dispute

The Four Fights dispute demands job security, manageable workloads, equality (national action to close gender, race and disability pay gaps), and a £2.5K pay rise across all grades.

USS campaign

USS Pension Dispute

View the timeline and read the facts surrounding the proposed detrimental changes to our pension scheme

Employment Tribunal Judgment

Victimisation of Branch Secretary Tony Brown

Please sign our petition to UCL Provost Michael Arthur, requesting UCL to drop this senseless appeal process and respect trade union rights.

Campaigns archive

Campaign Archive

Read about our past campaigns