
TRANSNET Programme


Paris Andreades bags a 2018 Fabio Neri Award!

12 June 2019

Optical Networks Group (ONG) student named runner-up in the 2018 Fabio Neri Best Paper Award competition

Paris Fabio Neri Award

Paris Andreades, PhD student with the Optical Networks Group (ONG) and EPSRC TRANSNET Programme, was recently announced as runner-up for his paper entitled 'Experimental Demonstration of an Ultra-low Latency Control Plane for Optical Packet Switching in Data Center Networks'.

The Fabio Neri Best Paper Award is presented annually to the best research paper published in Optical Switching and Networking (OSN). The award is named after Fabio Neri, who was the founding co-Editor-in-Chief of OSN; this award is to celebrate his memory by recognizing and promoting excellence in research.

Paris' supervisor, Dr Georgios Zervas, also a previous recipient of the award stated:

It's a pleasure to work with great minds that lead to outstanding and impactful research. We’ve been honoured with the Fabio Neri award (runner up position) two years in a row and three over the last 8 years. Cloud Data Centres of the future require ultra-fast network control that has been one of the great challenges of the past two decades. Paris’ work breaks this barrier by developing and demonstrating a nanosecond speed multi-core hardware scheduler for optical packet switched networks

Congratulations to Paris and his co-authors, Kari Clark (also ONG), Philip M. Watts, and Georgios Zervas (Co-I on the TRANSNET Programme). 

To access the full paper click here.