
Office of the Vice-President (Strategy)


Tableau Dashboards

Dashboards are accessible through the UCL Tableau Server. For an outline of what the available dashboards are, please see the menu below. Once you know what you want to access, please complete this short form

When you have access, you can use the UCL Tableau server, logging in with your usual UCL username and password.  Before you start using our dashboards, please review your data protection responsibilities by reading the Transparency, Security and Privacy page.

Please note: some dashboards are open to all staff, some are restricted and require permission from the data owner before access can be granted. See below for details. Any queries, please contact us.

Dashboard Links

ThemeDashboardWhat does the dashboard tell you?Access conditions
Admissions & EnrolmentUG AdmissionsHow do application, offer and accept volumes vary compared to targets, and to history for undergraduates?Open
PG AdmissionsHow do application, offer and accept volumes vary compared to targets, and to history for postgraduates?Open
Admissions RiskHow are we tracking vs admissions key performance indicators? Are we likely to meet our intake targets?Open
Student Module RegistrationsHow many students have registered on a department's modules over the last three years? How many students are registered on a module compared to the rooming capacity?Open
Start of sessionWhat % of new and returning students have enrolled to date, compared to our targets?Open
Enrolment trendsWho are UCL's students and where are they from? How have student numbers changed over the past five years?Open
Accepter / decliner surveyResults of a survey sent to UCL applicants who accepted or declined their offer from UCLOpen
Education & Student ExperienceDepartment Education PlansThe Department Education Plan data portal dashboard allows you to track key education metrics and department ranks, to help you in completing annual Department Education PlansOpen
UG awarding gapsExploration of the UCL awarding gap between white and BAME undergraduate students domiciled in the UK (contact data owner for access)Restricted to faculty champions and those directly involved in Dept Education Plans.
Access to this dashboard is currently under review.
New to UCL SurveyThe New to UCL Survey dashboard provides data on how new students experience arrival at UCL, the factors that influenced students to study at UCL and the programmes they choose to study at UCL.Open
Graduate Outcomes SurveyWhat are the destinations, sectors and employment of UCL graduates 15 months after graduation from 2017?Open
NSS Response RatesIs my department /my faculty / UCL on track to reach the minimum response threshold for the current National Student Survey?Restricted to those directly involved in the promotion of NSS.
Requests to access this dashboard will be considered by the dashboard authoriser on a case-by-case basis.
National Student Survey results (2024)

NSS results at faculty, department and programme level, with UCL compared to the sector, Russell Group and London Group

PRES resultsResults from the biennial Postgraduate Research Experience SurveyOpen
PTES benchmarkingHow do UCL’s PTES results compare to sector level benchmarks? How do the results in my faculty or departments compare between demographic groups?Open
Subject MappingHow can I understand the subject code system, and how does my subject map against various HESA codes? What split of subject codes exist in my department?Open
ResearchWorktribe Research Contracts PipelineHow many contracts are currently being processed and what is their value? How many contracts are submitted and completed each quarter?Restricted to those involved with research contracts.
Requests to access this dashboard will be considered by the dashboard authoriser on a case-by-case basis.
Research Trends: applications, awards, contractsOverview of yearly research grant applications, awards, and contract trendsOpen
REFHow do subject areas, GPA and 4* research perform compared to competitors and the sector?Open
Worktribe ApplicationsWhat are the price, cost, recovery and overheads of submitted grant applications? What is the status of submitted applications? Which departments achieve the best success rates?Open
Research Grant DemographicsA breakdown of research grant applications and success by ethnicity and gender.Open
Research Grant SummaryThe Research Grant Summary is a simple summary view of pre award grants data. What is the value of Research grants? The count of applications to funders, the success rates and award values?Open
Sector benchmarkingLeague Tables (UK)The League Tables dashboard provides data on the three main UK League Tables, including rank by subject area and metric, and shows how UCL has performed over the last 5 years.Open
Global League TablesAn overview of performance in Global League Tables, focusing on QS and THE. Further detail will be available in 2022.Open
HESA Enrolments (rounded data)This tool uses HESA enrolment data to compare institutional and subject enrolments to the sector for market research. Data is rounded in accordance with agreed usage with HESA.Open
UCAS competitor applicationsExplore which other institutions and programmes UCL undergraduates apply to, and the likelihood of applicants choosing UCL as their firm choice over competitor offersOpen
Uniforum BenchmarkingCubane Uniforum data that gives normalised results for cost and worked FTE (wFTE) for professional staff at UCL and comparisons to the sector, broken down by functions and activities.Open
Space & the Estate
Library UsageFootfall and desk occupancy across UCL's libraries and study spacesOpen
Strategy & Planning
Student Number Planning - Actuals/ProjectionsA dashboard showing actual and projected student numbers using enrolments and projections from the previous year’s planning round.Open
StaffUCL Organisational StructureA table of UCL's organisational structure from levels 1 to 6Open
Staff trendsTrends on UCL staff headcounts and FTE, retention, sickness absence, turnover and demographics by organisational unit, staff type and gradeOpen
Staff recruitmentView staff vacancy numbers over time, the time to fill and hire, and recruitment costsOpen
EDI staff and student data tablesA series of tables of staff and student EDI data in support of our annual statutory reportingOpen

Culture, Employment & Development in Academic Research Survey

A national survey run in 2021 on university research culture. The dashboard allows users to explore UCL's responses to this surveyOpen
Mandatory Learning ComplianceStaff compliance with UCL's mandatory learning requirementOpen
Declaration of InterestThis dashboard tracks the percentage of grade10 staff, heads of department, and other senior staff that must make an annual declaration of their interests.Open
Tableau usageTableau dashboard usageShows staff interaction with the Data & Insight dashboardsOpen