
Office of the Vice-President (Strategy)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to some of our most frequently asked questions are provided here.

I don't know where to start. Help!

UCL Data & Insight is a new service, and is part of the UCL Planning Division. Its aim is to provide data insights that improve decision-making in support of UCL's core academic mission.

We use Tableau to visualise data that is stored in the UCL integrated data-warehouse (IDW). The reports we have developed are hosted on the UCL Tableau Server.

Access is being rolled out in stages. If you haven't received an email inviting you to use the UCL Tableau Server, please be patient, or contact us if you aren't sure why you haven't been included.

This video explains how to login to the server and access a report.

Tableau is intuitive and using it is the best way to learn about it. This video explains how to interact with reports. But we would encourage you to play around with reports - you can't break them!

I need more help to get to grips with using Tableau.

Tableau reports are dynamic. Most dashboards within a report have filters at the top, which allow you to filter the whole dashboard (limiting admissions data, for example, to 'EU' only).

If you hover over a chart or a number, a tooltip will explain what that chart or number represents. Alternatively, you can email us and we will put you in touch with a member of our Data & Insight Community of Practice. The Community is trained in Tableau, and can give you some one-to-one help.

You can also access helpful links and videos on our Training and Support webpage.

What browsers and devices can I use to access the UCL Tableau Server?

A list of compatible browsers and devices is available on the Tableau website.

Android and iPhone apps are available. You will need to enter the UCL Tableau Server address to connect the app to the UCL Tableau Server.

Who can access the UCL Tableau reports?

Initially access to the Tableau reports will be available to the following UCL groups:

  • Senior Management Team
  • Heads of Departments/Division
  • Directors of Professional Service
  • Faculty Managers and Faculty Directors of Operations
  • Faculty Tutors
  • Admissions Tutors
  • The Planning Team
  • Research Services
  • The Admissions Team
  • Members of the Data and Insight Community of Practice
  • Members of the UCL Data & Insight governance boards (including Financial representatives). 

Access will be expanded over time. If you are not in one of the groups listed above, but are interested in accessing Tableau reports please contact the D&I Service.

Please note that we regularly monitor usage. If groups of staff are not engaging with Tableau, we would like to understand why.

Where can I access UCL Tableau reports from?

The UCL Tableau Server can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

I want to request analysis of a different area of data. What should I do?

The Customer Insight Group, which comprises academic and professional services staff, sets the development priorities. You can view our current areas of work in the UCL Data & Insight Pipeline.

If you have a question you think Data & Insight could help answer, please contact us.

How can I use Tableau to support teaching or learning, or for my own professional development?

Students may qualify for the Tableau for Students programme, if they meet eligibility criteria.

Through Tableau for Teaching, Tableau Desktop is free for instructional use or for non-commercial academic research.

Tableau Public allows you to visualise and share data for free. (Note that your visualisations will be available to the rest of the world, so this isn't appropriate for internal, sensitive or commercial data.)

Do I need to purchase a license to access the Tableau Server?

You won't need to purchase a license. Around 550 UCL colleagues currently have access to our dashboards. Please contact us if you would like access.

Can I access the data underlying the graphs and charts?

Tableau allows you to export the data underlying a chart  (where this does not contravene the GDPR). For more information, click the linkHow to Export data in Tableau’.

How can I learn more about the UCL Data & Insight Programme?

For more information, please see our presentation.

I still have questions. Who do I contact?

Contact the Data & Insight team