Rethinking Global and Local Policy Rationales
18 February 2019
This discussion brief serves as the summary of a half-day workshop, hosted jointly by the GGI’s Global Health Thematic Directorate and UCL STEaPP on 22 January 2019
Report drafted by Julius Mugwagwa and Jeremy Webb, UCL STEaPP.
What are the key policy rationales and models shaping health policy at global, national and local levels? How can local policy-makers assume greater responsibility for innovation, risk and uncertainty relating to health security locally and globally?
These were some of the key questions addressed at a half-day workshop, hosted jointly by the GGI and UCL STEaPP on 22 January 2019. The workshop aimed to revisit policy rationales and models in light of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which seeks to ‘ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’ by 2030. It brought together a mix of academics, policy experts and practitioners to reflect on the drivers and shapers of current health policies and to explore opportunities, new models, rationales and loci of action to facilitate attainment of SDG 3, focusing in particular on how policy at different levels (from the global to the local) can best be aligned to deal with persistent and emerging health issues.
The full discussion brief is available here: Rethinking Global and Local Policy Rationales (PDF)