
UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy


STEaPP in the news

STEaPP's diverse community of academics, policymakers, practitioners and science and engineering experts feature regularly in local, national and international media. Here are some examples from 2023.

July 2023

New architectures for bottom-up science diplomacy: Learning from the evolving Portuguese diaspora in the UK

Dr Lacerda, Policy Adviser, and co-author Dr Mauduit, Lecturer in Science Diplomacy, have provided a multi-stakeholder perspective that analyses the creation, during the lead-up to Brexit, of the first ever scientific advisory board (SAB) at a Portuguese Embassy.

Read the full journal: Global Policy

April 2023

Astronauts are returning to the Moon, but they won’t be repeating the Apollo missions

Prof Kevin Fong writes about NASA's planned Arrtemis II exploration of the moon

Read the full article: The Conversation

March 2023

China’s fake science industry: how ‘paper mills’ threaten progress

Professor James Wilsdon describes concerns over espionage and intellectual property theft by China.

Read the full article: Financial Times

World-leading? Britain’s science sector has some way to go

Dr James Phillips asks if Britain's science sector is actually world-leading.

Read the full article: Finacial Times

1,100 scientists and students barred from UK amid China crackdown

Professor James Wilsdon warns that harsh restrictions on working with China could harm UK science.

Read the full article: The Guardian

Nobel scientist says 'UK research is in jeopardy'

Professor James Wilsdon argued that over the past decade the government has not provided "the long-term stability of vision and investment that the [research] system urgently needed".

Read the full article: BBC News