
UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy


IPPO: Basic income roundtable

10 March 2022, 3:00 pm–5:00 pm

Event card for IPPO

Basic income roundtable: How to design a basic income pilot programme, and what can be learnt from such experiments?

This event is free.

Event Information

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The financial impacts of the pandemic have led to calls for the introduction of a universal basic income – a tax-free, unconditional, non-contributory flat rate of income payable to everyone (including children). Although many basic income experiments have been evaluated to date, there is limited understanding of what can be learnt from adopting different designs of pilot scheme. Therefore, IPPO has commissioned a Rapid Evidence Review from the Institute of Policy Research (University of Bath) of basic income experiments in OECD countries, to analyse their characteristics and evaluate any outcome research which has been undertaken.

In this online roundtable, we will hear from the authors of the Rapid Evidence Review about their main findings, and learn more about specific basic income experiments from around the world. We will conclude with a discussion on what the key recommendations should be for policymakers in designing new basic income schemes.