
Solar Energy & Advanced Materials Research Group


Two group members were awarded in RSC Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Group Annual Symposium 2018

10 October 2018


rsc-award-chris Christopher Windle was awarded the Best Poster and Jijia Xie was awarded the Best Talk Award in RSC Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Group Annual Symposium 2018: Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment. This very focused workshop attracted many junior researchers from over 11 countries.

Dr. Christopher Windle presented a few systems that split water via Z-scheme, in which organic polymers were prepared in a simple and scalable one-step process. In the presence of co-catalysts and charge shuttles, the particle suspension splits water into hydrogen and oxygen under visible light irradiation.

Jijia gave a talk on efficient visible light-driven separate water oxidation and proton reduction. Details about this work could be found in the paper entitled "Efficient Visible Light-Driven Water Oxidation and Proton Reduction by an Ordered Covalent Triazine-Based Framework", in Energy & Environmental Science, 11 (2018) 1617-1624.
