4th UCL Materials Hub Workshop: Renewable Energy on 05 June
30 June 2017
The 4th UCL Materials Hub workshop: Renewable Energy was hosted by our group on 05 June.

UCL Materials Hub Workshop 4: Renewable Fuel Production
Chandler House 118, on Monday, 05 June 2017
13:45-13:50 Opening remarks (Dr Junwang Tang)
Theme 1, Heterogeneous Catalysis (Chair, Prof Gopinathan Sankar)
13:50 -14:40 Design and Construction of Nano-structured Photocatalytic Materials for Solar Fuel Production, Prof Jinhua Ye, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
14:40-15:05 The Electronic Structure of Photocatalytic Materials, Prof Richard Catlow, Cardiff/UCL
15:05-15:30 Nature-Inspired Process Intensification of Catalytic Systems, Prof Marc-Olivier Coppens, UCL
15:30-15:55 Plastic Wastes to Liquid Fuel Using Zeolites, Prof Gopinathan Sankar, UCL
15:55-16:25 Panel discussion
16:25-16:40 Coffee break in Chandler House B01
Theme 2, Photocatalysis (Chair, Prof Ivan Parkin)
16:40-17:05 Applications of photocatalytic films, Prof Ivan Parkin, UCL
17:05-17:25 Polymer Photocatalysts for Solar Water Splitting, Dr Junwang Tang, UCL
17:25-17:45 From Structural Design to Efficient Catalysis - A Coupled Simulation and Synthesis Approach, Prof Zheng Xiao Guo, UCL
17:45-18:10: Structure and Dynamics at TiO2-Water Interfaces, Prof Geoff Thornton, UCL
18:10-18:45 Panel discussion
18:40-18:45 Closing remarks (Dr Junwang Tang)
18:45-19:35 Reception in Chandler House B01