Enqi Chen obtained his BSc degree from Soochow University, and MSc degree from National University of Singapore. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD study in Prof. Junwang Tang's Group at the Department of Chemical Engineering of UCL. His current research focuses on the photocatalytic carbon dioxide conversion to C2+.
Research project
Title: Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Conversion to C2+
Conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) using semiconductor photocatalysts and driven by solar energy could not only solve the problem of increasing CO2 emission, but also reduce reliance on fossil fuels in chemical industry. The target products of C2+ are usually in a liquid phase with a high energy density, which could be conveniently transported by current infrastructure and used on demand.
Based on the complicated CO2 reduction pathway which may lead to kinds of products, a high selectivity and high CO2 conversion rate on the photocatalysts are key points for this research project, which could decrease the cost of purification in further industrial application and obtain value-added chemicals. The design of photocatalyst contains a proper bandgap position, low electron-hole recombination rate, and effective co-catalyst to selectively transfer the electrons to CO2 molecules. In parallel, the reaction mechanism will be investigated in order to get deep insights on photocatalytic CO2 reduction.
BSc in Physics, Soochow University, Suzhou, China, 2016
MSc in Applied Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2018
Work Experience
Research technician/associate, Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research, 2019-2021