Slade School of Fine Art
Slade Interim Show 2022

MA/MFA Interim Show
Open to the public 6 - 11 October
Weekdays: 9:30am - 8:30pm
Weekend: 9:30am - 6:30pm

  1. Lion, Lies and Love, Yuyue He, 2022, documentary film, 1080p, 33mins long

    The film starts from a question: “Would you still love me, if I have nothing left?”. It explores love and expectations, fear and understanding from the perspective of social and intimate relationships. This documentary film would like to discuss confusion and anxiety, especially for young people. In the end, the film is looking for the answers about love: If "having nothing left" and "love" can coexist? Or if one has nothing left, is it still possible to continue the love?

    ©the artist

    Yuyue He

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  2. Substitution Jutsu, Luyin Cao, 2022, cardboard, artificial grass, branch and clay

    ©the artist

    Luyin Cao

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  3. Cold Fell, Rachel Irons, July 2022, oak, 150 x 70 mm

    ©the artist

    Rachel Irons

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  4. The Red Queue, Ivan Kashdan, 2022, film, 1 min 22 sec

    ©the artitst

    Ivan Kashdan

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  5. Mt., Isobel Mei, 2022, video still, 9:50 mins

    ©the artist

    Isobel Mei

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  6. Skin Flicks, Billy Sassi, 2022, 4K digital video

    ©the artist

    Billy Sassi

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  7. Quick Change, Lydia Merrett, 2022, oil on canvas, 140 x 90 cm

    ©the artist

    Lydia Merrett

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  8. Untitled, Claudia Rose, 2022, various made and found objects. Site specific, dimensions variable

    A warm hum from somewhere to be far away

    ©the artist

    Claudia Rose

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  9. Dad Magnets, Ty Locke, 2022, fridge freezer, paper, magnets, 

    A fridge freezer covered in 734 fridge magnets of my dad holding me as a baby.

    ©the artist

    Ty Locke

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  10. ANSWER, Jiayu Sun, 15 September, 2022, video, performance, 7minutes, 40 seconds. 20 seconds of performance after video

    As the phantom limb pain occurred to him every single day, Jiayu decided to embark on a search for the lost part of his body. His journey goes through an imaginary world, reality and cyberspace, whereby he is exploring memories, everyday life, and information remaining on the internet. Finally, Jiayu finds the other part of his body and returns back to the physical world.

    ©the artist

    Jiayu Sun

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  11. Container, Yuecen Wang, 2022, oil on paper, 77 x 57 cm

    ©the artist

    Yuecen Wang

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  12. “who are they now?”, Chaney Manshu Diao, 20 Sept 2022, mixed media, text, installation, 35cm (W) x 120cm (L) x 180 cm (H)

    ©the artist

    Chaney Manshu Diao

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  13. thinking about art when the world is burning, blithe germ, 2022, plant matter, rocks, paper, screen print on rag, and recovered waste materials

    ©the artist

    blithe germ

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  14. Woman with child, Antonia Caicedo Holguin, 2022, oil on canvas, 82 x 81 cm

    ©the artist

    Antonia Caicedo Holguin

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  15. Appendage, Sam Meredith, 2022, cast concrete, 40 x 15 x 10 cm

    ©the artist

    Sam Meredith

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  16. Obnexious, John Sant, acrylic on canvas, 35 x 37 inches

    ©the artist

    John Sant

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  17. Untitled, Indianna Solnick, 2022, mixed media, approx. 15 x10 x 6 cm

    ©the artist

    Indianna Solnick

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  18. Shadow of ABC, Yuuki Horiuchi, 2021, single channel video,  4 min loop

    ©the artist

    Yuuki Horiuchi

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  19. EGO DEATH, Christina Cushing, 2022, C-type print,  60 cm × 84 cm

    ©the artist

    Christina Cushing

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  20. ◻︎4DC4, Yiwen Li, September 2022, acrylic paint on canvas,  61 x 51 cm, 20.3 x 25.4 cm, 30.5 x 82 cm

    ©the artist

    Yiwen Li

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  21. Futures Trading, Martha Horn, 2022, film, 8 minutes 30 seconds

    ©the artist

    Martha Horn

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  22. The Age of Innocence, Hannah Uzor, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 150 cm

    ©the artist

    Hannah Uzor

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  23. Paper Icon, C PANNELL, 2022, copy paper, wax, 

    ©the artist


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  24. How To Fit In, Eva Bachmann, 2022, (installation) digital photography, household objects, 2.5 m x 3 m

    How to Fit In installation refers to resourceful ways when trying to adapt as an outsider.

    ©the artist

    Eva Bachmann

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  25. Odradek 04 (Wearable translation device), Federico Arani, 2022, ceramics, prosthetic gelatin, medieval metal artifacts, fabric, brass, rubber.

    A part of a harness with unclear function and composition, halfway between prosthesis and extension, is left inside the space. A device clearly disconnected from its original time and location, is filled only with its hypothetical potential.

    ©the artist

    Federico Arani

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  26. Untitled, Ilona Balaga, 2022, ceramics, dimensions variable

    ©the artist

    Ilona Balaga

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  27. Landscape, Yu Li, September 2022, installation, 6 x 82 x 10 cm

    In the paradigmatic genre of Chinese education, the expression of thoughts and imagination of distant landscapes.

    ©the artist

    Yu Li

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  28. Untitled, Sam Ge, 2022, steel, 150 x 150 x 1900 (mm)

    ©the artist

    Sam Ge

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  29. Claudia 2, Marietta Mavrokordatou, 2022, gelatin silver print, 28 x 17.5 cm

    ©the artist

    Marietta Mavrokordatou

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  30. The Other Site, Yijue Zeng, July 2022, paper, 60 x 60cm; 17 x 10 cm

    ©the artist

    Yijue Zeng

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  31. I'll be seeing you, Sophie Rogers, May 2022, mixed (laser cut perspex, computer pins, PC cooling fans, metal bolts, LED pin badges)

    ©the artist

    Sophie Rogers

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  32. Shelf, Jamie Hammill, Shelf, 2022, hardwood, sisal twine, plywood chair part, wool textile, stainless steel, cinnamon, 100 x 50 x 25 cm

    ©the artist

    Jamie Hammill

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  33. Dinosaur Colour Chart 1993, Chika Annen, March 2022, print

    The chart shows sampling colours of dinosaurs from magazines, “Dinosaur!”, published in 1993. 
    The visual representation of dinosaurs and their association with cultural/social demands surrounding science have changed over time. Dinosaurs are very particular beings; The evidence of their existence is mere remains and have never been seen as living creatures during human history. Due to their monstrous nature, we are familiarised with their unimaginable appearances, but our impression of these dinosaurs demonstrates the contemporary romanticisation of mythical creatures.

    ©the artist

    Chika Annen

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  34. Sounding House, Isabelle Pead , 2022, steel greenhouse, speakers, sound, mixer 

    ©the artist

    Isabelle Pead

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  35. 1 ۵ 1, Sana Iqbal, 2019-2021, 8.5 ft x 5.3 ft  (each photograph is 5-inch x 5-inch)

    We identify ourselves by the choices we make, by the things we choose to keep in our possession and those we discard. Objects because of their tangibility, echo of a user’s persona and reflect the spaces they could or must have once inhabited. They reveal an alternate reality. By creating an archive of found objects from abandoned sites, Sana investigates how socio-political factors play into this identity of a person and that of a nation’s. Furthermore, the contribution of this identity in the concept of  ‘other’ which ultimately paves way for creation of boundaries (whether they be imaginary or real). 

    ©the artist

    Sana Iqbal

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  36. Prometheus, Jiayu Zhang, 2020, plaster, wood, lamp, etc

    ©the artist

    Jiayu Zhang

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  37. Primal, Cheuk Yiu Lo, 2022, cement, wood, PVA, 38 x 44 x 140 cm

    ©the artist

    Cheuk Yiu Lo

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  38. Subject to Change, Jesse Rivers, 2022, acrylic and ink on canvas, 71 cm x 56 cm 

    ©the artist

    Jesse Rivers

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  39. Installation view of 'Articulations' showing 'Compassionate Attention' at The National Festival of Making, Blackburn, UK, Hannah Leighton-Boyce, 2022, plaster, video, ceramic, greaseproof paper, polystyrene, intaglio print, dimensions variable

    ©the artist

    Hannah Leighton-Boyce

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  40. The Shadow of a Doubt, Kristian Alanson Bruce, 2022, oil on linen, 34 x 26 in

    ©the artist

    Kristian Alanson Bruce

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  41. Here Trees Are 45ft Apart, Junyi Lu, 2022, oil, acrylic, pastel, spray paint, marker, thread, aluminum wires, found objects on canvas; tree models, plastic wine glasses, plasticine, and chains on pub tablessize: 140 x 170 x 70 cm

    ©the artist

    Junyi Lu

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  42. Siren’s soup, Yeonsu Ju, 2022, oil on canvas, 120 x 100cm

    ©the artist

    Yeonsu Ju

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  43. Sympathetic Magic, Philip Speakman, 2022, HD video and text, 07:04 minutes (looped)

    ©the artist

    Philip Speakman

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  44. Undesirable Marks of Time: Breakfast Bowl , Kate Towsey, 2022, soluble mixed media, motion-sensor water drip, 14 x spoons of porridge

    Exploring the fragility of memory, domestic objects disfigure in response to their audience.

    ©the artist

    Kate Towsey

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  45. untitled (fleeting though), Gabrielle Bejani, 2022, collage on napkin, 30.5 x 32 cm

    ©the artist

    Gabrielle Bejani

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  46. Marey's Chronograms, Anna Sebastian, graphite on paper, 140 x 130 cm 

    ©the artist

    Anna Sebastian

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  47. untitled, Andy Wyatt, installation

    ©the artist

    Andy Wyatt

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  48. Seabed, Raphaella Pester, 2022, gouache on grid paper, 29.7 x 42 cm

    ©the artist

    Raphaella Pester

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  49. Holding behind the curtain, Georgia Dymock, 2022, oil on linen, 90 x 90 cm

    ©the artist

    Georgia Dymock

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  50. Father Flying, Akshay Bhoan, 2022, clay and acrylic

    ©the artist

    Akshay Bhoan

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  51. Untitled, George Richardson, 2022

    ©the artist

    George Richardson

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  52. No one conjures our dust, Sofia Bordin, 2021, iron and resin, 210 x 80 x 40 cm

    ©the artist

    Sofia Bordin

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  53. Playpen Paralysis, Rosie Kennedy and Robbie Campbell, 2022, still image from 5:00 min video

    ©the artist

    Rosie Kennedy

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  54. Lack of Presence, Camilo Parra, 2022, charcoal on paper, 75  x 75 cm

    ©the artist

    Camillo Parra

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  55. Pores, Corrine Chan, 2021/22, animation, 5:58 mins

    ©the artist

    Corrine Chan

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  56. Door Ajar, Frederika Dalwood, April 2022, digital collage, 60 x 80 cm

    ©the artist

    Frederika Dalwood

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  57. Traces to Cavity, Harry Smithson, 2022, wax, cardboard, mahogany, speakers, cables, synthesiser, 4000 x 1500 x 1000 mm

    ©the artist

    Harry Smithson

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